Tattoos vs. Living in Utah

What Do You Say When You See a Tattooed Person?

Depending on where you live tattoos are either celebrated or hated. I live in Utah County which coincidentally happens to be one of the worst places to have tattoos. I didn't get my first tattoo until 20 and until that moment I blended in with the flock (which I loved). Little did I know that as soon as I had permanent ink put onto my skin I would be seen as different forever. Now at age 23 with 3 tattoos and countless piercings, I don't mind being different: but before I found my confidence, being seen as an outcast of sorts was devastating. I either get people trying to connect with me on how cool they think tattoos are (without tattoos themselves) or others that say in their classic tone, "Isn't that permanent? Why would you put that on your body?" What I didn't want to tell them—which I'll share with you—is that I got tattoos to move past my self-harm scars. The scars that have held me back since I was 16.

Everyone has a history behind their tattoos whether they: want to cover scars, love a movie, enjoy making themselves more unique, appreciate art, maybe were drunk (no judgment here lol), or they just love tattoos. When you see someone with a tattoo they have their own reason for permanently altering their body and that decision is not yours to judge. I've luckily had a lot of supportive (and some not so supportive) people in my immediate family but walking around Utah with very visible tattoos is a statement I make every day.
